‘In God We Trust,’ Est. 1956

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“In God We Trust,’ Est. 1956

COUNTDOWN to the 67th Anniversary of our National Motto!

On July 30th, 1956, “In God We Trust” was established by President Eisenhower and the U.S. Congress as the official motto of the US. Join Americans across the nation who are celebrating this important part of our history by putting up our national motto in homes, businesses, schools, and government buildings.  Join the Movement at InGodWeTrust.com!

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#InGodWeTrust #67thAnniversary #Nationalmotto


Join The Million Window Campaign


decals on windows!


You can join millions of Americans who are affirming their trust in God – and the freedom to proclaim it – by displaying this 3″ x 6” window decal in your home, office or vehicle.  Actual decal has clear background.