Arizona Puts God Back Into The Conversation

The Arizona legislators took bold steps recently to put God back into the public conversation, by protecting and promoting the Arizona state motto “God Enriches” and America’s national motto “In God We Trust”.

Arizona Legislative Prayer Caucus members were instrumental in proposing and passing SB 1289, which Governor Ducey recently signed into law. Now school administrators and teachers in every school are encouraged to post displays, copies and excerpts of America’s foundational documents which repeatedly proclaim God’s enduring place in our nation, including the:

  • National motto “IN GOD WE TRUST”
  • State motto, “DITAT DEUS”, (“GOD ENRICHES”)
  • Pledge of allegiance
  • Preamble to the constitution of this state: “We the people of the State of Arizona, grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution.”
  • Declaration of Independence
  • And more…

Arizona has joined several states that have passed measures that re-affirm the importance and relevance of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and our national motto, “In God We Trust.”

Find out more here about how you can help display America’s national motto in your school, business or personal vehicle.

Join The Million Window Campaign


decals on windows!


You can join millions of Americans who are affirming their trust in God – and the freedom to proclaim it – by displaying this 3″ x 6” window decal in your home, office or vehicle.  Actual decal has clear background.